Nano CBD Explained! Is It Really Better?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, has swiftly gained traction in recent years as a natural remedy for various health concerns. From easing anxiety to alleviating pain, CBD oils has garnered attention for its potential therapeutic properties. However, there's a new player in town: nano CBD products. The emergence of nano CBD oils has sparked curiosity and debate among CBD oil enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the realm of nano CBD and explore its potential benefits. But first, let's briefly revisit the basics. CBD is a compound extracted from either hemp plants or marijuana plants, known for its non-psychoactive nature. It's available in various forms such as oils, tinctures, capsules, topicals, and edibles.

Nano CBD oil takes CBD oil utilization to the next level through the application of nanotechnology. By breaking down CBD particles into tiny nanoparticles, nanoemulsification enhances its bioavailability thus nano emulsified CBD may offer a range of advantages compared to traditional CBD oil products. But is nano CBD truly better? Let's embark on this exploration to find out.

Understanding the basics of CBD

Understanding the basics of CBD

To fully grasp the significance of nano CBD, it's essential to have a solid understanding of CBD itself. Cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, is a natural compound found in hemp plants and marijuana plants. Unlike its cousin tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not induce a psychoactive high. This quality has contributed to its popularity and widespread acceptance among individuals seeking natural alternatives for health and wellness.

CBD oil is available in various forms, allowing users to choose the most suitable option for their needs and preferences. CBD oils and tinctures are the most common and versatile, typically administered sublingually for quick absorption. Capsules offer a convenient and discreet way to consume CBD, while topicals provide localized relief when applied to the skin. Edibles, such as gummies or infused beverages, offer a tasty and enjoyable way to incorporate CBD into one's routine.

It's worth noting that CBD oil interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors that plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis. By interacting with cannabinoid receptors, CBD oil may help regulate functions such as mood, sleep, pain perception, and immune response.

While CBD oil has demonstrated promise in preclinical and clinical studies, it's important to recognize that the research surrounding its potential benefits is still evolving. Many individuals turn to CBD oil to manage conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and inflammation. However, it's crucial to consult with healthcare professionals and conduct thorough session of CBD education and research to determine the most appropriate use of CBD oil for individual circumstances.

Now that we have a foundational understanding of CBD, let's dive deeper into the world of nano CBD and explore how it sets itself apart from traditional CBD products.

What exactly is nano CBD?

an image of nano molecules.

Nano CBD refers to CBD molecules that have been broken down into extremely small nanoparticles using nanotechnology (CBD isolate technology). These CBD molecules aka nanoparticles are typically in the range of 20-100 nanometers in size, which is significantly smaller than regular CBD molecules. The process of creating nano emulsified CBD or nano CBD involves a technique called nanoemulsification, where CBD oil is transformed into microscopically small droplets using specialized equipment and emulsifiers.

The goal of nano CBD oil is to improve the bioavailability and absorption of CBD in the body. Bioavailability refers to the amount of a substance that is actually absorbed and available for use by the body. Traditional CBD oil products, such as Full spectrum or broad spectrum CBD or capsules, often have lower bioavailability due to their large particle size and limited solubility in water.

Nano CBD addresses these challenges by reducing the particle size of CBD to the nanoscale. The smaller size allows for increased surface area and better dispersibility in water-based solutions. This enhanced water solubility means that nano CBD can be more easily absorbed by the body, potentially leading to improved bioavailability and more efficient utilization of CBD.

The smaller particle size of nano CBD also offers benefits in terms of delivery and absorption. It can facilitate faster onset of effects because the smaller particles can be more readily absorbed through various routes, such as oral, sublingual, or topical administration. Additionally, nano CBD droplets can bypass some of the digestive processes that can degrade CBD when taken orally, allowing more CBD to reach the bloodstream and potentially enhance its therapeutic effects.

It's important to note that nano CBD is not a different compound or a chemical modification of CBD. It is still cannabidiol, the same active compound found in hemp plant or marijuana plants. Nano CBD simply refers to the technology used to transform CBD into smaller particles to improve its bioavailability and absorption in the body.

The potential benefits and effectiveness of nano CBD are still being researched and explored, and individual experiences may vary. It's always advisable to consult with healthcare professionals and choose reputable CBD companies that sell CBD products that have undergone proper testing and quality assurance.

What exactly does "bioavailability" mean?

an image of how absorption takes place.

Bioavailability is a fascinating idea that can be viewed from many different viewpoints. In its basic form, absorption means how much and fast a substance gets into an organism or system and is made available for use. 

Bioavailability refers to the extent and rate at which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream and becomes available for the body to utilize. It is a measure of how much of a substance actually reaches its target site and produces the desired effects.

When we consume substances, whether they are medications, nutrients, or compounds like CBD, they need to be absorbed by the body to exert their effects. However, not all of the ingested substance may be absorbed or utilized effectively. Factors such as the form of the substance, its chemical properties, and the route of administration can influence its bioavailability.

Bioavailability is typically expressed as a percentage, representing the portion of the substance that enters systemic circulation. For example, if a medication has a bioavailability of 80%, it means that 80% of the administered dose reaches the bloodstream and becomes available for the body to use.

Different routes of administration can have varying bioavailability rates. For instance, when a medication is administered intravenously, it bypasses the digestive system and goes directly into the bloodstream, resulting in high bioavailability. On the other hand, oral administration often involves absorption through the digestive system, which can reduce bioavailability due to factors like metabolism and incomplete absorption.

In the context of CBD, bioavailability is an important consideration because it affects how much CBD actually reaches the target receptors in the body. Higher bioavailability means a greater percentage of CBD can be utilized, potentially leading to stronger and more consistent effects.

Improving bioavailability is a goal in pharmaceutical and supplement formulation, and techniques like nanoemulsification (used in nano CBD products) are employed to enhance absorption and bioavailability of compounds. By reducing particle size and increasing water solubility, substances like CBD can have improved bioavailability, allowing for more efficient utilization by the body.

Understanding bioavailability is crucial when considering the effectiveness and dosage of substances like CBD, as it influences how much of the compound actually reaches its intended site of action and produces the desired therapeutic effects.

How do they make nano CBD?

scientists working together.

Nano CBD is typically produced through a process called nanoemulsification, which involves breaking down CBD oil into tiny nanoparticles using specialized equipment and techniques. Here's a general overview of how nano CBD is made:

1. CBD Oil Preparation

CBD oil has taken the health and wellness world by storm, and for good reason. The process of creating high-quality CBD oil begins with extracting it from either hemp plant or marijuana plants using advanced methods such as CO2 extraction or solvent extraction.

However, the process doesn't end there. The CBD oil must then undergo rigorous purification and testing to guarantee that it meets the highest standards of purity and potency. This is an essential step, as the level of impurities in the oil can affect its effectiveness and safety.

When you select a CBD product that has undergone this process, you can rest assured knowing that you're getting the highest quality CBD oil available on the market.

2. Emulsifier Selection

Nano CBD production involves the use of emulsifiers to create stable emulsions. These substances are essential in helping to mix oil and water, a feat that is typically difficult to achieve due to their opposing chemical properties.

The right combination of emulsifiers is carefully selected to ensure the success of the production process. The emulsifiers are relied upon for the formation and stabilization of CBD nanoparticles, which play a crucial role in the effectiveness of the final product.

With the aid of suitable emulsifiers, nano CBD production can create high-quality formulations that have numerous benefits for the end consumer.

3. Emulsion Formation

CBD oil has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its various health benefits. Though its use has been somewhat restricted due to the issue of solubility, the invention of emulsification has allowed for the creation of a stable mixture of CBD oil and water.

To achieve this, various emulsifiers are combined with CBD oil and water, and the mixture is subjected to high-shear mixing or ultrasound to create a fine emulsion.

This emulsion allows the oil droplets to be evenly dispersed in the water, making it easier to consume and providing a consistent dosage of CBD. With this innovation, more and more people are now able to take advantage of CBD oil's benefits.

4. Particle Size Reduction

As CBD oil becomes more popular for its potential health benefits, researchers and manufacturers are constantly seeking ways to improve its effectiveness. One method involves reducing the size of the oil droplets, which allows for faster and more efficient absorption into the body.

To achieve this, advanced techniques like high-frequency ultrasound and high-pressure homogenization can be used. By applying energy to the oil, these techniques break down the larger droplets into tiny nanoparticles, resulting in a product that can produce potent effects with only a small dose.

These cutting-edge methods are revolutionizing the way people use CBD oil and making it easier than ever to enjoy the benefits of this exciting compound.

5. Stabilization

One important aspect of nano CBD emulsions is their stability and uniformity. To achieve this, stabilizers or surfactants are often added to prevent reaggregation or coalescence of the nanoparticles over time.

These compounds work to maintain the structure of the emulsion by keeping the nanoparticles evenly dispersed. Without them, the emulsion can break down and lose its effectiveness.

By including stabilizers, manufacturers can ensure that their nano CBD product remains reliable and consistent throughout its shelf life. This ultimately translates to a better experience for the consumer.

6. Quality Testing

The nano CBD formulation undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its quality, purity, and potency. This includes testing for cannabinoid content, contaminants, and any other relevant parameters.

It's important to note that specific methods and techniques may vary depending on the manufacturer and the desired characteristics of the nano CBD product. The production of nano CBD requires expertise, specialized equipment, and strict quality control measures to ensure consistent and reliable results.

Nano CBD products are available in various forms, including tinctures, beverages, topicals, and more. It's essential to choose nano CBD products from reputable manufacturers that provide transparent information about their production processes and perform third-party testing to ensure product quality and safety.

The difference between traditional CBD oils vs. Nano CBD oil

People often wonder what the difference is between traditional CBD oils and nano CBD oil. The main difference between regular CBD oil  and nano CBD oil lies in their particle size and, consequently, their bioavailability and absorption in the body.

1. Particle Size

Regular CBD oil consists of larger CBD molecules, whereas nano CBD oil refers to CBD that has been broken down into significantly smaller nanoparticles (CBD isolate technology), typically ranging from 20-100 nanometers in size. The reduction in particle size is achieved through processes like nanoemulsification, which enhances the dispersibility of CBD in water-based solutions.

2. Bioavailability

Nano CBD oil offers improved bioavailability compared to regular CBD oil. Bioavailability refers to the amount and rate at which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream and becomes available for the body to utilize. Due to their smaller particle size, nano CBD particles have a larger surface area and can be more easily absorbed by the body. This increased bioavailability means that a greater percentage of nano CBD is effectively utilized, potentially leading to stronger and faster-acting effects.

3. Absorption Rate

The smaller particle size of nano CBD oil allows for more efficient absorption. When taken orally, nano CBD droplets can bypass some of the digestive processes that typically result in CBD degradation. This enables more CBD to reach the bloodstream and exert its potential effects. Nano CBD may also have enhanced absorption rates when applied topically or taken sublingually (under the tongue), further facilitating its entry into the body.

4. Onset of Effects

Nano CBD oil may have a faster onset of effects compared to regular CBD products. The improved absorption and bioavailability of nano CBD allow it to reach the target receptors more quickly, potentially resulting in more rapid onset of therapeutic effects.

Note: It's important to note that while nano CBD oil offers potential advantages in terms of bioavailability and absorption, individual experiences may vary. The effectiveness of nano CBD oil  can depend on various factors, including the specific product formulation, dosage, and individual physiology.

Is nano-CBD more bioavailable?

Yes, nano CBD oil generally exhibits improved bioavailability compared to regular CBD oil. Bioavailability refers to the extent and rate at which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream and becomes available for the body to utilize.

When CBD molecules are nano-sized, they have a larger surface area, which makes it easier for them to interact with the cells in your body. It means that you need less CBD for your body to feel better.

When you read the directions, most CBD products will tell you how many milligrams to take. If the CBD is nano-sized, only a tiny amount is needed to work.

What are the benefits of using nano CBD?

Since our bodies don't absorb CBD very well, it's harder for us to feel the good effects of CBD. This is where nano CBD shines because you only need a small amount to get all the benefits of CBD. 

Nano CBD oil, which consists of CBD molecules broken down into tiny nanoparticles using nanotechnology, offers several advantages that enhance its bioavailability:

Soluble in water

    molecules more soluble in water.

      This type of  CBD stands out from other cannabidiol products because of its unique molecular structure. By breaking down the CBD molecules into particles thousands of times smaller than the average size, they become much easier for your body to absorb and put to work. Not only does this mean that you get fast and effective relief, but it also means that nano CBD or water soluble CBD is compatible with virtually any beverage or liquid.

      You can dissolve it in water for a quick drink, and for those who want a more concentrated relief, adding it to food and beverages can give desired effects even faster. This simple yet powerful attribute makes water soluble CBD or nano CBD one of the most accessible ways to enjoy cannabinoids' health benefits every day.

      More bioavailable

      Nano CBD oil is a new and improved form of Cannabidiol that offers many advantages over regular CBD. This tiny particle can be easily absorbed into your bloodstream quicker and more efficiently, allowing you to reap the potential benefits from CBD faster than ever before.

      Studies have shown that up to four times more nanoscopic particles of CBD are absorbed compared to regular-sized CBD molecules – meaning only a tiny amount needs to be taken to receive optimal effects. The effectiveness of nano-sized CBD has given people an alternative option for managing conditions such as anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

      With its increased absorption rate, nano-CBD has the potential to become an invaluable tool in a person's healthcare regime.

      Works Fast

        a man going fast.

          Nano-CBD oil is a revolutionary new form of Cannabidiol that allows users to experience the benefits of CBD oil faster than ever before. Regular CBD must pass through the digestive system and be broken down to enter the bloodstream and start working.

          This can take several hours. However, it has been designed to bypass this process and be absorbed directly into muscle tissue and cells via nanotechnology. This increases its bioavailability and significantly reduces the time when effects are experienced - enabling users to get relief within minutes instead of hours.

          This technology can now address various physical and mental issues quickly and effectively.

          Increased Surface Area

            Nano CBD, also known as nano-cannabidiol, is a relatively new form of CBD oil that has been making waves in the world of health and wellness. One of the key benefits of using nano CBD oil is that it has a smaller particle size, which results in a larger surface area per unit of volume.

            This increased surface area allows for more efficient interaction with bodily tissues, leading to better absorption and uptake of the CBD. This means that you can experience the benefits of CBD more quickly and with greater intensity than with traditional CBD oil products.

            Whether you're looking to manage chronic pain, reduce anxiety or depression, or simply improve your overall health and well-being, nano CBD may be the perfect solution for you.

            Protection from Metabolic Processes

            Metabolic Processes

              The world of CBD oil is constantly expanding, and we're learning more every day about how this natural compound interacts with our bodies. One exciting development in the field is the use of nano CBD particles, which may offer some unique benefits.

              These particles are incredibly small, which means they may be less susceptible to degradation by enzymes and metabolic processes in the body. This could help ensure that a higher percentage of the administered CBD remains intact and available for absorption. It's just one more example of the fascinating ways scientists are exploring the potential of CBD and its many applications.

              Does nano-CBD work better than regular CBD?

              The question of whether nano CBD is better than regular CBD is a topic of debate and can depend on various factors and individual preferences. While nano CBD offers potential advantages in terms of bioavailability and absorption, it's important to consider the following points when evaluating whether nano CBD is better for you:

              1. Bioavailability

              When it comes to CBD, bioavailability is key - after all, no one wants to waste their hard-earned money on a product that won't provide the desired effects. That's where nano CBD comes in.

              This specialized form of CBD features a smaller particle size, which allows for better and more efficient absorption in the body. This can lead to enhanced effects and a more consistent experience overall.

              So, for those who are looking to get the most bang for their buck, nano CBD might just be the perfect choice. With improved bioavailability, it's an option that's definitely worth considering.

              2. Faster Onset of Effects

              If you're someone who wants fast-acting relief, then nano CBD may be the breakthrough you've been searching for. Thanks to its unique absorption properties, nano CBD products could potentially offer faster onset of effects compared to traditional CBD items.

              This means that you may experience immediate results when using nano CBD, perfect for those who need quick relief from pain, anxiety, or stress. Besides, who has time to wait around for relief when there's work to be done or life to live? With nano CBD, you can potentially achieve your desired results faster and get back to doing what you love.

              3. Personal Preferences and Needs

              Cannabidiol (CBD) products have been increasing in popularity due to their potential effects on various health conditions. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of these products can vary depending on individual preferences and needs. Although the therapeutic effects are comparable, nano CBD is a step removed from being a pure CBD oil. Nano CBD is isolated from the hemp derived CBD products.

              While regular CBD products may work well for some individuals, others may prefer the potential benefits of nano CBD. There are other key factors to consider as well, like the desired dosage form of the product (e.g., Full or Broad spectrum CBD tinctures, topicals, capsules) and personal responses to different CBD formulations. It's crucial to understand what works best for you to maximize the benefits of CBD and achieve the best results.

              4. Research and Availability

              In recent years, a new development in the CBD market has taken the market by storm. Nano CBD has generated quite a buzz among researchers and consumers alike, and for a good reason.

              While the long-term effects and comparative benefits of this innovation are still emerging, it's essential to stay informed and educated about the latest scientific findings. The key is to choose reputable nano CBD products from trusted manufacturers that provide transparency and third-party testing.

              By doing so, you can rest easy knowing that you're making a safe and informed choice for your wellness needs. So, as the saying goes, knowledge is power, and in this case, it can also be the key to unlocking the full potential of nano CBD.

              5. Cost Considerations

              nano emulsified CBD products may be priced higher than regular CBD products due to the additional processing involved in creating nanoemulsions. Consider your budget and weigh the potential benefits against the cost when making a decision.

              Ultimately, whether nano CBD products is better for you depends on your specific needs, preferences, and desired outcomes. It's advisable to consult with healthcare professionals or experts knowledgeable about CBD products to discuss your individual circumstances and determine the most suitable choice.

              Remember, the quality and reliability of the CBD product are crucial, regardless of whether it is regular CBD or nano CBD products. Choose reputable brands, review lab reports, and seek guidance from professionals to ensure you're using high-quality CBD products that meet your expectations.

              Why Should I Use Nano-CBD products?

              Nano-CBD is better than regular CBD for many reasons we've already mentioned. Bioavailability is the most important thing you should think about.

              With nano-CBD molecule, less substance is needed to get the same effects as regular CBD molecule. It means your body can absorb nano-CBD molecule much better than regular CBD. This makes nano-CBD the best choice for people who want to benefit from CBD.

              Also important is getting the most for your money. Because the CBD particles in regular CBD products are bigger, you need to use more to feel the effects. Having more products means spending more money, which is a waste.

              Buying Nano-CBD is an excellent option for anyone who wants to get more out of their CBD products. Not only are nano-CBD products more effective than regular CBD, but they also have benefits that regular CBD can't match.

              Which Nano CBD should you pick? Full spectrum CBD oil or Broad spectrum CBD oil?

              When you purchase CBD, choosing between full spectrum CBD oil and broad spectrum CBD oil in the nano CBD product form, it's important to understand the key differences between the two options. Here's an overview to help you make an informed decision:

              1. Full Spectrum CBD Oil

              Full spectrum CBD oil contains not only CBD but also other beneficial compounds naturally found in the hemp plant, including trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). The presence of THC is limited to 0.3% or less to comply with legal requirements. Full spectrum CBD oil provides what is known as the "entourage effect," where the various cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds work synergistically to enhance the potential therapeutic benefits. However, due to the trace amounts of THC, there is a slight risk of experiencing psychoactive effects, albeit minimal.

              2. Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

              Broad spectrum CBD oil, similar to full spectrum, contains various cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial compounds found in hemp. However, the key difference is that broad spectrum CBD oil undergoes additional processing to remove all detectable levels of THC while retaining the other beneficial compounds. This means with broad spectrum CBD, you can potentially experience the entourage effect without the risk of psychoactive effects associated with THC.

              The choice between full spectrum and broad spectrum CBD oil depends on your personal preferences and needs:

              • If you prefer the potential synergistic effects of all the compounds in the hemp plant, including trace amounts of THC within the legal limits, and you are comfortable with the potential minimal psychoactive effects, full spectrum CBD oil might be suitable for you.
              • If you want to avoid any risk of psychoactive effects while still benefiting from the synergistic effects of multiple cannabinoids and terpenes, broad spectrum CBD oil is a suitable option.

              It's worth noting that the specific formulation and quality of the nano CBD product are also important considerations. Choose reputable brands that provide transparency, third-party testing, and clear information about the contents like what carrier oil used (e.g. MCT oil)  and potency of their products.

              Additionally, individual responses to different CBD formulations may vary. Some people may find full spectrum CBD oil more effective for their needs, while others may prefer the broad spectrum option. It can be helpful to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase until you find the right balance and desired effects.

              When in doubt, consulting with healthcare professionals or CBD experts can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances and goals.


              In conclusion, nano CBD offers potential advantages in terms of improved bioavailability and absorption compared to regular CBD. Its smaller particle size allows for better absorption and potentially faster onset of effects. However, whether nano CBD is better than regular CBD depends on individual preferences, needs, and desired outcomes.

              It's important to consider factors such as personal responses to different CBD formulations, the latest scientific research, and reputable sources when making decisions about CBD products. Consulting with healthcare professionals or experts knowledgeable about CBD can provide valuable guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.

              Regardless of the form of CBD you choose, prioritizing product quality, transparency, and safety is crucial. Select reputable brands that provide third-party testing and ensure adherence to regulatory standards to ensure you're using high-quality CBD products.

              Remember, the world of CBD is continuously evolving, and ongoing research is essential to deepen our understanding of its effects and benefits. Stay informed, make informed choices, and prioritize your well-being when incorporating CBD into your wellness routine.

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